How to Stay Safe Online: 4 Cybersecurity Services & Strategies You Should Be Utilizing

The demand for cybersecurity services has never been greater. With wide scale attacks being reported on a weekly basis, virtually everyone’s data is vulnerable. While users have no control over the kinds of cybersecurity services–or lack thereof–financial institutions, e-commerce companies, and other corporations rely on, there are steps they can take to protect themselves in general. 

Here are some of the most effective ways to secure devices, protect passwords, and ultimately preserve identities:

1. Utilize Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is programmed to identify common threats so they can be mitigated before they actually infiltrate the network. Most antivirus software hums along quietly in the background while it monitors the system for any suspicious activity. For maximum security, however, companies should not just “set and forget it.” It’s important to review the software’s findings periodically and to install every update that’s released, so it’s equipped to combat all the latest threats. 

2. Establish Secure Password Protocols

Even relatively small businesses can wind up with a hundred or more accounts on a dozen or more platforms. It’s imperative that each of these accounts has its own unique credentials, so hackers can’t get very far if they obtain a few usernames and passwords.

To ensure this ends up happening, organizations must give their employees specific instructions for creating new passwords. They should also implement a protocol that sends periodic reminders telling users it’s time to change their credentials. Accounts are much less likely to be compromised when their passwords are updated often. 

3. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication at Every Turn

When multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled, the user needs more than just their password to access the account. They might have to input a pin number, as well, for example, or submit to a fingerprint scanner. Naturally, the more authentication points an account requires, the harder it is to breach. 

For this reason, companies should require their employees to authenticate themselves using at least two separate factors for every account. Whereas some platforms have an MFA option readily available, others may have to be tweaked with help from an IT service provider.

4. Scan for Vulnerabilities Early & Often

Securing a network is not a one-time job. Malicious actors are always devising new ways to breach thresholds, so companies that want to protect themselves must make an active effort to keep up. That means scanning all systems often for potential vulnerabilities. Just because IT personnel patched a few holes six months ago doesn’t mean new ones haven’t formed. Fortunately, most comprehensive cybersecurity services include ongoing vulnerability scanning and patching, so organizations can have total peace of mind. 

Get Total IT Support from NOYNIM IT Solutions

For total IT support, including comprehensive cybersecurity services, turn to NOYNIM IT Solutions. Our certified experts can ensure your company’s network, systems, and data are safe. From vulnerability scanning and DNS web filtering to security patching and 24/7 monitoring, we do it all. To learn more about all our Denver IT services, visit our website. To discuss your needs with a knowledgeable member of our team, call (720) 524-8616. 


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