Did you know that up to 60% of small and medium businesses would grind to a halt in the case of drastic data loss? It is also a fact that many of these companies do not have a strategy in place to handle either disaster recovery or back-up. Denver computer services firms can provide valuable assistance in this vital area.

Here is an idea of what you should expect to get in a good backup and disaster recovery plan.

Experts at a Denver Computer Services Firm Offer So Much More

Of course, after any traumatic IT event the number one priority is to get things running again as soon as possible. The network needs to be revived and the employees need to be back at work. The longer the downtime that your company experiences, the greater is the financial loss.

System downtime due to a catastrophic event should not be measured in days but in minutes instead. You have customers, suppliers, distributors and affiliated companies depending on you. Jeopardizing your relationship because you neglected complete business continuity solutions is not an option. Apart from lost customers, there is also the worst case scenario issues of having to declare bankruptcy and facing possible lawsuits.

Denver computer services firms have the professionals to ensure continuity. They can offer you remote server backup and a virtual server to get your business back on its feet in no time flat. You know your files, customer lists, inventory records, vital emails and contacts are safe. An experienced firm will also see to it that your company is compliant with all the applicable regulations and laws governing data security and handling for your sector.

How Do They Go About Disaster Recovery?

  1. One thing that any Denver computer services firm would do, is get to know your business and how a disastrous IT event would impact it. This is followed by the drafting of a practical business continuity plan based on the assessment’s findings.
  2. They also estimate what is the maximum amount of downtime your company could possibly survive. This is factored into the type of data back-up and disaster recovery elements your business continuity plan should involve.
  3. Another step to be taken is identification of your business’ most vulnerable areas in light of the risks most likely to affect your company. Whether the threats are man-made or natural, they will help you to ensure that your resources are put to the most efficient use to protect your business.


Take a moment to consider what would happen to your business if it were to suffer a catastrophic IT event. Now get to work outsourcing to a Denver computer services firm for the most secure protection you can find.